Feuchtwang Law

Fractional In-house Attorneys in San Francisco, CA

Fractional in-house attorney for clients who require a scalable in-house legal resource. We do the heavy lifting at in-house rates.
Attorneys with an in-house perspective, billing at in-house rates, who are able to scale to meet the needs of the customer. We provide timely, pragmatic legal counsel at an affordable rate. Our legal review focuses on achieving the client’s goal, on-time, and on-budget.


Let us handle your routine legal
matters at in-house prices


Let us manage your patent portfolio, handle correspondence with outside counsel, facilitate a brainstorming session and much more at in-house prices.
Our lawyers will also represent you in civil litigation cases such as divorce.

We offer a Broad Range of Law Services

If your legal needs do not fit into one of the categories below, please ask us. We do not handle litigation but would be happy to refer you to an attorney who does.
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