Feuchtwang Law


Feuchtwang Law is committed to protecting consumer privacy. This policy explains how Feuchtwang Law collects, processes, uses, and discloses information about you when you use our services and/or interact with our website.

Your use of Feuchtwang Law’s website, and/or receipt of Our services, constitute acceptance of this Policy.

This Policy explains our practices in the following areas:

  1. The types of information we collect about you;
  2. The way your information is used;
  3. The nature, frequency, and purpose of any disclosure of information that we may make, including the types of persons or entities to whom the disclosure may be made;
  4. Your rights under the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 338(i); and
  5. If you are a California resident, your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

If you have questions about this Policy or other matters, you may email us at jonathan@feuchtwang.com.

Types of Information we collect and how we collect it

The following are specific types of information we collect from customers and visitors to our websites.

“Commerce Information” means personally identifiable information (“PII”) about you that enables Our commerce partner(s) to process payments after participating in a business transaction. This information can include, but is not limited to, your name, address, phone number, inquiry information, email address, services received, service history, payment information (including originating bank or financial entity), payment card information (“PCI”), and business/entity affiliation. Commerce Information is only collected directly from you. We only disclose to third parties the information necessary to complete the transaction. For example, we may provide your payment information to our own bank or payment processor to facilitate your authorized transfer of funds. In addition to fulfilling your business transaction, commerce partners given your information may also use your Commerce Information to send you other information in which you might be interested, consistent with its own privacy policies. Feuchtwang Law does not sell or otherwise market any PII or PCI.

“Contact Information” means PII that may be used to contact you. This information includes, but is not limited to, your name, address, phone number, email address, business/entity affiliation, and initial inquiry information. This information is collected when you call Feuchtwang Law, use the ‘contact us’ form on Our website, or us the chat function on Our website. In some cases, we also obtain PII from third parties, such as through search engine searches that return results that include Feuchtwang Law webpages.

Links to Other Websites: When you visit our website, you may find links to third party websites. Feuchtwang Law’s privacy policy no longer applies when you click one of these links and are taken to the third-party website. We recommend that you read the third-party website’s privacy policy.

“Your Social Media Interactions” means PII about you that we collect when you interact with our social media pages. This information includes, but is not limited to, profile name, profile identifier, and the content of any submissions, comments, posts, or other interactions (such as ‘Likes’). We use this information to communicate with you until you withdraw consent or we no longer use the social media page. We recommend that you review the privacy policy and settings of any websites, applications, or social networks when using any social media platform. Please note that any content that you post on our social media pages is public and can be read, collected, or used by others (whose use is not covered by Our privacy policy).

Use of Customer Information

We use Customer Information to contact you, tailor your experience, address your inquiry, deliver Our services, process payments for services rendered, and to understand your needs so we can offer and provide you the most suitable services. For example, we may use your name, phone number, address, and/or e-mail address to:

  • Explore and clarify any possible conflicts of interest;
  • Respond to your initial inquiry;
  • Provide you with information relevant to your inquiry;
  • Provide customer support;
  • Solicit your feedback from your customer experience or improvement suggestions for our clients; and
  • Follow-up on outstanding accounts receivable.

When we share your information with third parties

We do not share your PII with third parties without your express consent, except as outlined below.

PII that we collect may include: name, address, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, payment card information, business/entity affiliation, service details, service history, initial inquiry information, and, for search engine searches, your search criteria. PCI that we may collect includes your credit card number, expiration date, verification number, and billing name and address. In the circumstances described below, we limit the information we provide to the minimum information necessary to perform the purpose or provide the service for which the information was disclosed. Third parties are not permitted to use the information you provide to us for any purposes other than as authorized by us. We take steps to ensure that these third parties maintain the confidentiality of your information and adhere to this privacy policy, including but not limited to ensuring that their terms of service and/or their agreement with Feuchtwang Law contain sufficient data protection requirements.

Industry Affiliates: We may share your information, including but not limited to PII and PCI, with other entities (and their affiliates) that support the operation of Feuchtwang Law’s business and with whom we have a contractual relationship, specifically including but not limited to, our email provider, website host, social media providers. Information shared with these “Industry Affiliates” may be used only to support your use of Feuchtwang Law’s services, and Our Industry Affiliates’ products and services needed to support Feuchtwang Law’s services.

Marketing: Unless you specifically opt-out, we may share your information, including business transaction information, with other third-party non-Industry Affiliates who offer products and services related to your business transaction. These third parties may use the disclosed information about you to market products or services to you. In addition to fulfilling your request, that party may also use your Commerce Information to send you other information in which you might be interested consistent with its own privacy policies. Our website may also use cookies and similar technologies to help provide our Services, and to offer you a more streamlined user experience through no loss of data.

Legal Requirements & Professional Services: Feuchtwang Law may share your information if it believes in good faith that such disclosure is: a) necessary to comply with legal process, b) in response to legal claims, suits, or demands, c) necessary to protect personal safety, property, or other your/third party rights/Our rights and/or the rights of Our service providers and Industry Affiliates, or d) as part of a sale or assignment of all or a part of our business. Feuchtwang Law may also disclose your information to any person performing audit, legal, accounting, operational or other similar services for Feuchtwang Law. Whenever reasonably possible we will require any recipient of your information for these purposes to agree in writing to hold the information in confidence, to use the information only for the permitted purpose, and to return or destroy the information when the services are completed.

We may share with third-parties certain pieces of non-personally identifiable information and aggregated non-personally identifiable information, for example, the number of customers located in a certain geographic area that visit Our website. Such information will not identify you, or be capable of identifying you, individually.

Opting Out of Marketing Communications

Feuchtwang Law may periodically send you messages via e-mail, telephone, social media, or traditional postal mail about services or information that we think may be of interest to you (e.g. legal developments or blog posts). In addition, as provided above, Feuchtwang Law may make your information available to third parties for the purpose of marketing such products or services.

You can choose not to receive marketing messages promoting Feuchtwang Law or third party products or services from us and third parties in the future by: e-mailing us at jonathan@feuchtwang.com (please put “Opt-Out” in the subject line); or Upon receipt of your opt-out request, Feuchtwang Law will take the required actions within a reasonable period of time; however, we cannot guarantee that such removal will be immediately effective.

How Long we keep Customer Information

Depending on the type of information collected and its purpose, Feuchtwang Law retains your information for:

  1. A minimum of 90-days; and
  2. A maximum of 7 years.

This retention period is subject to contractual requirements and the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ as provided by the GDPR (EU and Member States), and similar, applicable legislation.

How we Protect the Security of Customer Information

Feuchtwang Law maintains technical, administrative, and physical security measures designed to protect your information. We take reasonable steps to protect your information by using security technologies and procedures, and partners, that limit access to our databases. However, no system is completely secure or error-free. We do not, and cannot, guarantee the complete security of any stored or in-transit information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Feuchtwang Law shares information only in accordance with the privacy policy in effect at the time the information is collected. We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. If we make significant changes to our collection or use of our customers’ information, we will note on the homepage of Our websites that this policy has been updated. We consider a notice on the homepage of our website a sufficient step to notify you about the new or revised policy. If have any questions regarding this privacy policy, or its enforcement, please contact us by email at jonathan@feuchtwang.com.

Information for Residents of California

A. The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)

The following subsections to this privacy policy apply to Feuchtwang Law’s processing of personal information of California consumers (as the terms “personal information” and “consumer” are defined under the CCPA) (collectively, “Consumers,” “you,” or “your”). Any capitalized terms or other terms not defined herein have the same meaning ascribed to them in the privacy policy or, if not defined herein, the CCPA. To the extent of any conflict between this privacy policy and the CCPA, the CCPA shall control only with respect to Consumers and their personal information. If you are not located in the State of California, U.S.A, the following policies do not apply, and the foregoing sections of the privacy policy control.

B. Personal Information We May Collect 

The table below shows the types of personal information that Feuchtwang Law has collected during the past twelve (12) months, the sources of the information, and the business or commercial purposes for which we may use that information. For all types of personal information collected, we disclose data to our service providers and other third parties to help us accomplish the business purposes described below. The examples given in each category are illustrative only, and are not exhaustive.

Your CCPA Rights


No more than twice (2 times) per every twelve (12) months, and upon appropriate verification, you may request access to any personal information we have collected and maintained about you over the preceding twelve (12) month period. You may also request information regarding the use and disclosure of any personal information we have collected and maintained about you. You may only make such requests twice (2) per every twelve (12) months.


Subject to certain exceptions, you have the right to request that we delete personal information collected and maintained about you. We will delete your personal information once your request has been verified and we have determined that applicable law requires us to delete that information. Your request to delete your personal information may be denied if it is necessary for us to retain your information under one or more of the exceptions listed in the CCPA. A record of your deletion request may be kept to comply with legal obligations.

Exercising Your Rights

To exercise your rights to access and deletion, please submit a request to us by either:

Consumers have a right to receive non-discriminatory treatment in the exercise of their CCPA rights.

Verifying Your Request

Only you, or a person that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a request related to your personal information. In exercising your rights of access to and/or deletion of your personal information, your request must be verified before we can respond to the exercise.

Verifying your request will require you to provide sufficient information for us to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we collected personal information or a person authorized to act on your behalf (e.g., previous transactions of person to whom request relates).

The personal information you provide to verify your request will only be used to verify the request, and not for any other purpose. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority. 

Feuchtwang Law reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on a request if the request is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded.

Your California Privacy Rights under the “Shine the Light” Law

Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code (a separate law from the CCPA) provides that residents of California have the right to obtain certain information about the types of personal information that companies with whom they have an established business relationship (that are not otherwise exempt) have shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year, including the names and addresses of those third parties, and examples of the types of services or products marketed by those third parties. If you would like to submit a request pursuant to this law, please contact us via email at jonathan@Feuchtwang.com with the subject line “CA Civil Code”.

Do Not Track

We currently do not respond to any Do Not Track signals or similar signals.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding our CCPA privacy practices, please contact us via email at jonathan@Feuchtwang.com  with the subject line, “CCPA Policy”.

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